Monday 3 May 2021

Do Journalists influence who takes the Coivd-19 vaccine?

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the lives of every single person on this planet. It took so many lives and almost everyone was impacted negatively because of it. 

This time last year, everyone was hoping and praying that a vaccine would come out. It usually takes years for a vaccine to come out, yet alone be approved by the FDA for mass use. 

However, with all of our resources and money pouring into the development of a Covid-19 vaccine, it actually happened. Multiple companies came out with their own version of it. 

When the vaccine first came out, Donald Trump was the president of the United States. I remember people doubting whether or not the vaccine was effective or not. 

During the Vice Presidential debate in the fall of 2020, Kamala Harris said that "if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I'm not going to take it." This was controversial at the time, because right leaning sources were dragging her for saying something so ignorant while left leaning sources were praising her. 

As soon as Biden took office, all of the people who previously said they would not take it because of Trump, started taking the vaccine and mass promoting it. 

This development made me seriously question the role of journalism on the everyday lives of citizens. 

If Trump was still in office, would journalists still be questioning the effectiveness of the vaccine rather than pushing people to get it? 

The sad part is that I cannot confidently answer that question. I want to believe and have faith in our journalistic system, however I think that some biases trump the truth. 

Just recently, there was a hiccup with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. In North Carolina, the government put an 11 day pause on the vaccine because nationwide there were 6 cases of women developing a rare and severe blood clot.

This caused mass hysteria throughout the United States. People who did not get the vaccine yet, did not want to get it and people who had already gotten it were terrified. It is important to recognize that only 6 people out of 6.8 million vaccinated by that particular vaccine got affected.

Johnson and Johnson Vaccine

People got really mad by the government and press reaction to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, because there are common medicines with worse side affects that don't get any attention at all. For
example, women who take birth control pills are more likely to develop a blood clot than get one from a COVID vaccine. 

This led people to believe that the media only wanted to report something juicy rather than the fact that they actually care about the health of citizens. 

I know that journalists have immense power over every single citizen on this planet, whether I admit to it or not. The press will change their minds on even the most severe of issues as long as it benefits them. 

The biggest takeaway from this situation is to always think for yourself. Examine the facts before letting the media circus change your mind. 

Read more here:

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