Tuesday 2 March 2021


 As much as I love researching my own EOTO person, I have a special place in my heart for presentation week. I was in quarantine during presentation week, so I couldn't hear that well. However, I was able to digest some very interesting information about journalism heroes that I never knew before.                                                                                                     

Jane Cunningham Croly 

 Emma Ralls presented on Jane Cunningham Croly, an influential woman that I have unfortunately never heard of. She lived during the 1800s and decided to move to New York to pursue a career in journalism at age 25. 

She was rejected many times and when she was finally hired she had to write under a pseudonym. Croly is credited with creating the first woman's page in a newspaper. She also founded the Women's Press Club of New York and became the first president of it.

I am so inspired by someone that lived hundreds of years ago, it is insane. She was a woman in a true man's world just trying to do something she loved and she kept at it after being rejected many times. 

Even when she was hired, she couldn't reveal her true identity because it was dangerous. Learning about an influential journalist who was a woman inspires me to do better at whatever    I decide to do later down the road.                                                             

 Riley Manion presented on Benjamin Franklin. I did not think that facts about Benjamin Franklin could surprise me much, but boy I was wrong. 

I did not know that he was one of 17 children and that his education ended at the mere age of 10! That is insane to me, considering how he is still thought of as one of the smartest Americans to live. One of the main takeaways from Riley's presentation was that Franklin did a lot of different things in his life. He was an advocate for freedom, a journalist, scientist, and so much more.

 I think that as the years have gone on, we as a people have lost our imagination. We tend to only focus on one career, yet forget that the greatest people in history had many. I needed that reminder in class and Riley's presentation gave it to me. 

Benjamin Franklin

I loved EOTO presentation week and learned a lot. I can't wait to read other student's blog posts on EOTO week and learn even more about great journalism heroes. 

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